The Fennas word for hill is brec. Brec is an unusual last name. In Breton similarly spelled word brec'h means arm.
How did I come up with this word? The word for hill in Welsh is bryn, and hill in Irish is cnoc. Bre is an obsolete term for hill in Breton and Scottish Gaelic.
The Fennas word for river is abin. Abin is a last name. ABIN is an acronym for Agencia Brasileira de Inteligência (Brazilian Intelligence Agency). Abin Sur is a fictional superhero from the DC Comics Green Lantern.
How did I come up with this word? The word for river in Welsh is afon and river in Irish is abhainn. River in Breton seems to be ster or riniver, which is different from Welsh and Irish.
The Fennas word for east is yrtar. Yrtar is possibly a last name. In Chuvash, a Turkic language spoken in central Russia, yrtar means tire, causing fatigue, tiredness.
The word for east in Welsh is dwyrain, east in Breton is reter, and east in Irish is iarthar.
The Fennas word for south is dehu. Dehu (or Déhu) is a last name. Dehu is the name of cities in India and the Congo.
The word for south in Welsh is deheubarth or de or deau. The word for south in Irish is deisceart. Welsh and Irish are similar. The word for south in Breton, su, appears to influenced by French.
The Fennas word for north is tuald. Tuald is computer users' names.
The words for north in Welsh, Irish and Breton don't seem alike in any way. This surprised me. The word for north in Irish is tuaisceart, the word for north in Welsh is gogledd. It appears that the word for north in Breton, nort or norz, was borrowed from French.