Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spider, in my words

defhryn : spider

The Fennas word for spider is defhryn. Similar Devryn is a rare first name.

How did I come up with this word? The Welsh words for spider are corryn and pryf copyn, the Irish word for spider is damhán alla, and the Breton word for spider is kevnid. In addition, the Cornish word for spider is kevnisen, and the Manx word for spider is doo-oallee.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Butterfly, in my words

faleibyn : butterfly

The Fennas word for butterfly is faleibyn. Similar Faleby is the name of a place in Sweden.

How did I come up with this word? The Welsh words for butterfly are glöyn byw and pili-pala, the Irish word for butterfly is féileacán, the Breton word for butterfly is balafenn, the Cornish word for butterfly is tykki Duw, and the Manx word for butterfly is follican.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fish, in my words

pias : fish

The Fennas word for fish is pias. Pias is an unusual to uncommon last name. Pias is an unusual first name that can be masculine or feminine. In Latin and Portuguese pias is a feminine plural form of the adjective pious. Pias is the name of places in Portugal, the Philippines, Peru and Spain.

How did I come up with this word? The Welsh word for fish is pysgodyn, the Irish word for fish is iasc, the Breton word for fish is pesk, the Cornish word for fish is pysk, and the Manx word for fish is eeast.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mouse, in my words

loug : mouse

The Fennas word for mouse is loug. Loug is an unusual to rare last name. Loug Chari is a department, an administrative division, in Chad.

How did I come up with this word? The Welsh word for mouse is llygoden, the Irish words for mouse are luch and luchóg, the Breton word for mouse is logod, the Cornish word for mouse is logosen, and the Manx word for mouse is lugh.